2. Embrace the Shake

Life is unpredictable.
We are constantly exposed to changes, challenges, and limitations that stop us from doing what we love. 
What the video taught me is that true creativity and skill do not come from learning how to defeat these obstacles but how you can use these obstacles to your advantage.
Work hard and not long. 

What impressed me is that he had this major neuro disability and yet he continued to do art. It's almost like the reason he stopped doing it in the first place is that he had this expectation for himself of what art is meant to be like and how an artist is meant to work. It almost felt like his mind was more of an obstacle to him than his disability. It's truly inspiring how he managed to see his disability as way more than just a "disability". He was able to embrace this 'flaw' and through that continued to create incredible art pieces.

Sometimes our biggest competitor is ourselves. Our mind. We create with all these clouds in our heads telling us that what we create needs to be more like this or more like that instead of trusting the process. The video strongly emphasized that you don't need to be a traditional artist to be a artist. We need to allow ourselves to embrace the shake, we need to allow ourselves to have flaws and see how these could potentially even make our art works even greater. After all, flaws make us unique and original, and being able to use them to enhance our work to give it an edge and originality is an art form in itself.


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