
Showing posts from February, 2021

4. My art: Moon landing

  The art piece visualizes a female bottom that is occupied by space figures who are seemingly on the moon. The piece is inspired by an article in the Telegraph which stated that the average age for a boy to start viewing pornographic imagery is eleven. Evidently has the reticence and shyness once associated with childhood vanished. The image extenuates how the female body is now the new `playground` for children, one might even interpret the piece as an objectification of the female body, which is often discussed in relation to pornography.

3. my art: Work in progress

This piece is a mixed medium piece consisting of a print, glitter, and rhinestones.  The work celebrates body imperfections which are often viewed as something negative. Instead of being removed or secluded they are extenuated and glorified by their color and the value they provide. The body-positive imagery is not only reflected through the embellishing of the marks but also through the irony that is created by the implication of toy figures. The figures denote that there is something obscure about our body obsession and that they should be celebrated rather than concealed.

2. Embrace the Shake

Life is unpredictable. We are constantly exposed to changes, challenges, and limitations that stop us from doing what we love.  What the video taught me is that true creativity and skill do not come from learning how to defeat these obstacles but how you can use these obstacles to your advantage. Work hard and not long.  What impressed me is that he had this major neuro disability and yet he continued to do art. It's almost like the reason he stopped doing it in the first place is that he had this expectation for himself of what art is meant to be like and how an artist is meant to work. It almost felt like his mind was more of an obstacle to him than his disability. It's truly inspiring how he managed to see his disability as way more than just a "disability". He was able to embrace this 'flaw' and through that continued to create incredible art pieces. Sometimes our biggest competitor is ourselves. Our mind. We create with all these clouds in our heads telli